Report: Market Guide for Order and Execution Management Systems for Investment Firms

Investments in order and execution management systems are set to increase. But what is the best approach for companies to take?

According to a report from Gartner®, investments in the OEMS (Order and Execution Management System) sector are projected to increase. However, in order to select the appropriate IT system, including the target operating model, it is essential to determine the specific needs of one's own organization. A list in the report highlights that an OEMS alone is not sufficient; it must align with the requirements and business strategy and be integrated into the IT landscape to ensure the efficiency of associated processes. The report also emphasizes the importance of having a partner with extensive experience in the following areas:

  • conducting business analyses for needs and requirements
  • providing support throughout the selection process and decision-making
  • integrating with the existing IT landscape and configuration, as well as establishing operations for Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions.

Would you like to learn more about possible management systems for investment companies? If so, you can request the Gartner® report through the contact form.

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