Line Activities – Supporting Your Daily Business

How long does it take to fill an open position in the IT sector? 208 days! Are you struggling to cope with parental leave, staff illness, or resignations during employees’ probationary periods? Preyer can help you overcome unexpected human resources bottlenecks.  

Our consultants can do more than support you during projects: our Line Activities service will also help with your day-to-day business.

But what is the difference between these two types of work?

  • Project work involves non-recurring, complex tasks. These have either a self-imposed or an external deadline.  
  • By contrast, line activities are clearly structured and recur at regular intervals. In other words, they are performed on an ongoing basis and therefore do not have set deadlines.  

How much does an unfilled position cost an organization? Up to €96,228 according to a Stepstone study. And IT specialists are particularly expensive.

We can help organizations save this money. We’ll put our know-how at your disposal if you’re unexpectedly faced with staff turnover issues, by seconding our IT specialists to perform the line activities above at short notice. Our Preyer consultants are available just when they’re needed to overcome staff bottlenecks. Clients benefit from substantially shorter induction periods, since our specialist staff are already highly familiar with the sector. This gives you time to look for a longer-term solution, or for absent staff to return to work.

Staff shortages due to high turnover rates and the Covid-19 pandemic

Our client is one of the largest asset management companies in Germany or even the world, with up to > €328 billion in assets under management. Such firms offer institutional investors such as insurers asset management services. They make investment decisions on their clients’ behalf at their own discretion.

The combination of an increased number of projects needing implementation and a high HR turnover rate meant that line activities could no longer be performed. Our consultants deployed immediately and their flexibility, coupled with their business and technical expertise, enabled them to take over the relevant operating activities straight away. The main focus was on performing tasks relating to SimCorp Dimension (SCD) software.

Why does Preyer offer support that fits the bill in this area?

The answer is simple: our consultants are highly qualified, have outstanding expertise and perfectly bridge the gap between finance and IT. Preyer’s combination of maximum flexibility and client-centric service allows it to help out at short notice. As a result, our client benefited from an efficient and timely solution to its resource problems and was able to continue operating smoothly and flexibly, thus minimizing its costs. Then, once its internal resources could fully perform their operational line activities again, we handed these back flexibly and at short notice.

Jan-Hendrik Kraft, our expert Line Activities contact person, will be happy to answer any questions you have.  

Fill out our contact form to get in touch:
Jan-Hendrik Kraft
Sector Expert
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